Be water my friend. Be terrain also.
Since unity 5 terrains are extremely slow to bake. That gave me the main idea for ETP. Create a terrain pack that doesn't use any terrain tools. Everything in the pack is just mesh with lods and shader animation.
Unity 5 also comes with some glitches in the built-in tree system. That is the reason you'll find a lot of nature assets included in ETP.
Finally to complete the pack there are some special effects like water shaders, clouds and several particle systems.

All terrain meshes are combinable . Materials are fully customizable including Top/Bottom masking, tree leaves & grass
animation using the custom shaders included. Custom Shaders are also editable with Shader Forge.
Check the assets included in the video-demo & the webplayer below.
Test Character: Sea Princess Mahia
This video has been recorded with: Intel i7 3.6GHz / Nvidia GeForce 650ti / Windows 7 / DirectX 11 / Unity 5.1
Webplayer Size: 82 Mb
Note: Webplayer may run slow in old graphic cards. If you find troubles with this webplayer please report here.
Note2: Textures in this webplayer are about 25% of the real size (example: if texture size is 4096x4096 pixels in the real asset, the texture you are watching in this webplayer is 1024x1024.)