Client: Many-worlds, Panrico
Time: 3 weeks
Work: modeling, texturing, lowpoly, animation, interface, AR integration
This time we were asked to create an app to promote Donuts for a christmas advertising using augmented reality.
Using the stand we created a character for Santa Claus with a small "selfie" game including sharing options and different animations so you could take a photo with him and show it in your social network.
The challenge here was making Santa interact with the real stand that worked as AR marker in realtime.
Client: Many-worlds & WorldDutyFree
Time: 1 month
Work: lowpoly modeling, animation, unity integration, cgi video
With this project I worked with many-worlds we had to create a simple game using kinect so the player can throw to basket several times with the character selected. The game was created with unity and it also included a small introduction with CGI previous to the game.
AR Basket (WorldDutyFree)
GoFit 3D app
Client: Many-worlds, GoFit
Time: 3-4 months
Work: lowpoly environment modeling for arquitecture
This app using augmented reality allow the end user to see the complete builidng of the gym just with the brochure and your mobile phone so you are able to take a look at all the different activities you could access.
Several complex buildings where reconstructed in 3d just from the arquitect blueprints floor by floor with all kind of details showing the completed building (most of them were under construction so it worked as a showcase too).
To complete the app it includes some interactive objects were to find pictures, descriptions & videos relative to the gym and activities.
Client: Many-worlds
Time: 2013-2014
Work: concept art, graphic design, highpoly & lowpoly modeling, texturing, animation, interface design.
The project itself was similar to the idea of Heartstone (a virtual trading card-game) but including a different approach to the final lookup. Main difference with the Blizzard game was the game interface were you can actually see the characters & habilites work in realtime into your mobile device or computer.
Sadly the project wasn't finished even when we got very nice response into Steam Greenlight. As an internal project for Many-worlds its development was depending on the time other projects let us to work.
Archmagia game project
Asset Store models
Client: Many-worlds
Time: 2-3 weeks/each
Work: highpoly & lowpoly modeling, texturing, animation, unity integration.
Whenever we had no external project in our schedule I used to work on these asset store characters & environments. Also a way of sharpening my skills and get some extra income for the company.
Aging effect for L'Oreal (3D Mapping)
Client: Many-worlds, L'Oreal
Time: 2-3 weeks
Work: hipoly modeling, animation, render.
For this project we were asked to create a videomapping to show the aging effect. In essence my work was to create a 3d model to project into a 3d sculpture making it get old with a video projection. The process was made with morphing, textures & materials.
Client: Tornado Twins CGS Game Challenge
Time: 3-4 weeks
Work: concept art, highpoly & lowpoly modeling, texturing, animation, unity integration, etc.
When I noticed about the upcomming challenge on CGSociety was about game art I decided to join for the first time. (I knew about the high end of that kind of challenges). The proposal was to create a game using some special tool created by TornadoTwins. At first I thought about a very small story making the point on the artwork and a quick storytelling. At the end the game was hardly playable due to the small amount of time available.
CGSociety Game Challenge
Ford Fiesta AR Showroom
Client: Many-Worlds, Ford
Time: 1 month
Work: highpoly modeling, texturing, animation, Vray render.
For the showcase of the new Ford Fiesta model we created an augmented reality event due to impossibility of making the car enter in the room. A huge projector was set in the room so people could check out the car lookup and specifications into the screen while presenter was talking about it.
Client: Behance contest
Time: 1 day
Work: concept art, photography, hipoly modeling, render, image edition.
That was a quick entry for the Behance's "Pionners of Now" contest. The rules was to create a self-portrait using every technique required by the artist so I tried making a mattepaint mixing a photo of myself looking like "Doctor Who" style.
For this work I tried with a 3d environment mixed with Photoshop with one shot from a photo sesion of self-portrait.
Pionners of Now (matte+selfportrait)
Guideo (Touristic AR app)
Client: Many-worlds, Guideo
Time: 6-8 months
Work: highpoly & lowpoly modeling, texturing, animation, unity integration, interface design.
Guideo is a startup from Cádiz who wanted to create an app to show the spain culture & history through augmented reality. We worked hard for several months to make it possible.
My job here was to create all 3d contents, edit chroma videos, create interfaces and all artistic requirements for the app development.
As allways I kept doing my own pieces for fun or just to materialize some game ideas in mind. Here are some sketches I worked on this year.
Client: Pixar contest
Time: 1 week
Work: graphic design, highpoly modeling, materials, hair, render.
In collaboration with Álex Alvarez, who made the concept art, I worked on creating a 3d model for this character keeping the lookup of the movie characters.
Client: Many-Worlds
Time: 1 week
Work: highpoly modeling, materials, animation, physics, render, video edition.
As collaboration with the short movie we created the end credits for "La teta que os falta" with a small 3d scene.
Short movie ending credits
Raw Flesh (indie game project)
Client: Raw Flesh
Time: 1 week
Work: highpoly & lowpoly modeling, texturing, animation, unity integration.
That was another inde game project I got involved with. This time I modeled a zombie cartoon character with rigging and some animations.
Client: Many-Worlds, Siemens
Time: 2-3 weeks
Work: highpoly modeling, texturing, animation, render, video edition.
As part of the creation for this new check-in machine Siemens asked us to make a 3d model and create several videos to show people how it works.
3D Product presentation (Siemens)
Client: Many-Worlds
Time: 1-2 months
Work: graphic design, web design.
When I arrived to the company and was there for a few months I got in charge of creating a new upgraded logo and corporative image from visit cards to the website.
Client: Many-Worlds
Time: 2-3 weeks
Work: concept art, highpoly & lowpoly modeling, texturing, animation, Unity integration.
One of the first characters I made for the asset store working on Many-worlds. This one was designed first for an internal game project that end up cancelled so we tried making it work for the store.
Droid Girl (character)
Dinosaurs invade Atocha Station (AR event)
Client: Many-Worlds, Parques Reunidos
Time: 2 months
Work: highpoly modeling, rigging, animation, render, integration with realtime video, video edition.
When Zoo Madrid asked us to create an augmented reality event to promote the upcomming dinosaurs exposition we worked hard to make it happen. For a few weeks there were a huge screen in Atocha Station (Madrid) were you could interact with some dinosaurs.
Client: Many-Worlds
Time: 1-2 weeks
Work: graphic design, photo edition, interface design.
For this app I had to create the complete interface, but the challenge was to delete all characters from the painting "Las Meninas" to show into the app how the painting was done from several points of view.
Cultural app (Paintings with AR)
Pharma packaging (3d showcase)
Client: Many-Worlds, Sandoz
Time: 1-2 weeks
Work:graphic design, highpoly modeling, texturing, animation, render.
This project was about to make a video showcase for a new packaging into the pharma business.
Client: Many-Worlds, Vodafone
Time: 1-2 months
Work: interface design, lowpoly modeling, animation, unity integration.
The main idea for this app was so people could check how to work with some electronic devices. The app tracks the device and add some tutorial elements in your tablet device so you can check how to procced.
My part was about modeling all the devices and 3d elements for the app with the requested animations and also creating the app interface.
Easy Use (AR training app)